Questions about Turneffe Island Resort

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San Diego CA
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200 - 499
We're starting to plan our annual fall dive trip, debating options on where to go.
The reviews of TIR are intriguing and it's on our (ok, for now my) short list, along with a return to LCBR, and their sister resort on Cayman Brac just for a changeup. We were in Bonaire for the fourth time in 2010, so maybe give that a rest this year.

I appreciate the detailed reviews, which I've tried to read with some diligence, but there's a couple of questions about the diving I couldn't find the answers to that Mrs. reefduffer finds important:

What type of entries: giant stride or back roll over the gunwhale (or, I suppose, something else)?
I saw a description as the diving being from small 6-person boats, and my limited experience with those at AC was a high backroll entry she might not care for.

How about the exits? Semi-fixed ladder to a swim deck, or a steep ladder up and over the gunwhale? If she needs to take off BC in the water and hand it up, is that reasonable?

Dives: drift, or out-and-back to a mooring? From the reviews I get the impression that most are out-and-back except maybe the elbow is a drift dive. How are the currents?

And I've seen this asked before in some of the review threads, but I really didn't get a clear picture from the answers: How worth it are the room upgrades to upper level and/or cabana, and why?

Thanks for any insights.
TIR has three dive boats: two small ones and one big one. The former are used exclusively for diving while the big one pulls double duty as the transfer boat for the mainland as well as the dive boat for the weekly Blue Hole trip. You'll do all of your diving from the small boats except for the Blue Hole trip.

The two small ones can hold up to ten or twelve divers but eight to six, often less than that, is more the norm. Entry is via a back roll. The drop is about three feet. Frankly, if my wife can do it then anyone can. Exit is via a semi fixed ladder with, I think, three steps. Taking the BC off in the water before exiting is the norm. You pop the weights first and hand them up, then they'll grab your tank and BC as you spin out of it and haul it on board for you. Then you grab the ladder, pop off your fins and hand them up one at a time, then walk up the ladder. If they think you need help (they won't necessarily wait for you to ask as that's not the "TIR way") they'll offer to help.

On the big boat, entry is via giant stride. Exit protocol is the same as the small boats except you can wear your BC up the ladder if you choose.

The only out and backs I can remember are the night dive and the BH day dives. Otherwise, the rest are all drift dives. Currents are very mild, even at the Elbow. The boat captain follows the bubbles so if you come up early he'll just pick you up and continue to follow the divers.

Gosh, the "is the upgrade worth it?" question again. It's a great question and I understand why you're asking, but I honestly don't know how to answer it. The cabana was worth it to me, but the first time I got one week's upgrade comp'd and last time it was comp'd again because we were returning guests. It really depends on your budget and priorities. There's no such thing as a bad room on the island. I never heard anyone complain about their room, for what that's worth. The cabanas are cool because it's like having your own little house on the island. But when we go back, not "if" but "when," I'm thinking we'll get a basic room just to change things up a little bit.
I really appreciate the quick response and the clear and complete answers to my questions.

I'll have her read it, and we'll see what she thinks. I might like the novelty and your prior reviews and those of others make me want to try it. But if she's put off by any of it, and we just go back to LCBR, I can deal with it. :cool2:

TIR sounds good but one of the reasons I haven't done it because I hear no diving on Saturday, and that if you don't want to do the BH trip there's no other diving opportunity that day. I usually like to do 1-1/2 week trips and also travel midweek when possible, and it seems we'd lose too many dive days. If they have 3 boats why is this the case? Is it they don't have enough dive staff to do BH and run another boat at the same time, and all the dive staff gets Saturday off?
Saturday is a changeover day for the resort and generally most guests are on a Sat to Sat package so 99% of the time no one is one the island on Saturdays, as guests depart the resort and it gets cleaned up ready for the next weeks guests that arrive late Saturday.

Anyone on a Wed to Wed Package or a week and a half package you will most likely be on the island all alone (bar a few staff) on the saturday which is why there is no diving as the staff are preparing the the next weeks guests so I am sure they dont have the staff spare to take out 1 or 2 that may be on a Wed to Wed package and they make that very clear i there information Packages. Maybe if you have a group for a 10 day package they will accomodate.

As for the Blue Hole again 99% of the visitors WANT to dive the Blue Hole and the Blue Hole is just one dive out of 3 for that day, the rest of the trip incorporates some FANTASTIC dive sites such as the Aquarium or Silver Caves and Half Moon Cay Wall all really top class dive sites not to be missed.
Plus you get to visit the Belize Natural monument Half Moon Caye (a Beuatiful Island with a Boobie Bird Sanctuary) so even if you dont want to dive the Blue Hole the day trip is really a fantastic day out with some fantastic dive sites and WELL WORTH IT even if you do not dive the Hole.

Dive Safe

Gaz Cooper
Yeah I'm well aware of the diving at Lighthouse, been on the Sun Dancer 3 times. (and found 3 trips to Half Moon about 2.5 too many.) Just more interested in diving Turneffe if I go to Turneffe instead of spending all that time on the boat to go someplace I 've been enough. I know I'm in the minority with that.
If they have 3 boats why is this the case? Is it they don't have enough dive staff to do BH and run another boat at the same time, and all the dive staff gets Saturday off?

Exactly right.

There are four dive staff members: Daniel and John work one small boat; Brad and Marcel work the other. On the first day of diving, you're assigned to one of the small boats for the length of your stay. On BH day, both groups ride together on the big boat but dive with their small boat group. So no one's left behind to run another boat for anyone who doesn't want to go. In my limited experience, I don't remember anyone wanting to stay behind.

Saturday's their day off. Sometimes they ride back and forth to the mainland to take care of personal business. Other times they just kick it on the island and go visit their kids at a nearby fishing camp.

I suppose that ideally there would be a third pair of dive staff to handle dives on Saturdays and local dives on BH days. And if TIR were on the mainland instead of on an island 30 miles off the coast, they might do that. But because of the way they operate, there's just not much demand for either Saturday or BH stay behind dives so it wouldn't be very practical for them to do that.

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