question re: Olympus D-560

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Los Angeles
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My girlfriend has an olympus D560 with a pt-017 housing or something like that. She would like to know if there is any sort of an external flash she could use? I did a search on line but could not find anything. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I could not even find a universal style filter.

Someone should be able to help, please.

Is there a universal external flash that you could attach to the Olympus D560 with the PT-017 flash. Or is this as good as it gets?
Is there a universal external flash that you could attach to the Olympus D560 with the PT-017 flash. Or is this as good as it gets?
There are at least 3 companies that make underwater strobes that can be used with digital cameras. Any of the strobes cost more than both her camera and housing put together.
are 3 of the companies that make strobes.

Check out the options here:

Hope this helps,
Thank you so much this was exactly what I was looking for. This is it : Strobe Click the strobe for pic
Guess what, that is the exact strobe I have for my camera. I got it when I was using my first UW housed camera, a Canon A20. Really liked the camera, but didn't like the way the strobe worked with it. Now that I have an Oly C-5050, I like the strobe a lot more.

If I had it to buy over again, I think I'd get an Inon. They have a built in modeling light and are synk'e to the camera with an optical cord rather than the strobe slave that the Ikelite uses.
I would look hard at the Inon D2000. Much more powerful strobe and she should be able to use it's TTL with her Olympus (not sure though).

Which ever strobe that you decide on, you should give Ryan at Reef Photo a shot at pricing it. Not only does he have great prices, there is no one that I know of that is more knowledgeable and can assist you more "after the sale".


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