Question on Atomic Aquatics B2 Regulator

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Yeoh Chee Weng

Reaction score
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hi there fellow AA B2 users. I've a new set of AA regulators - they great to use, very smooth breathing even at depth to 30m (my personal max.) and the comfort swivels are really comfortable. I have a question about a "crackling" sound during my pre-dive checks when I breath with the 2nd stage reg & octopus. This sound is absent when I go under. Is this normal? I have not experience this "crackling" with Apex or Oceanic brands when I rented these regs.
I'm not sure I've heard the sound you are talking about. I have used an Atomic B1/T2 for 6 years now. Most regs will sound different above water because they require a slightly higher ambient pressure to work properly so I wouldn't be concerened but if you have the slightest doubt take to the shop where you purchased it and have them bench check it to put your mind at rest. I've used mine on hundereds of dives and I love it! It's never failed me and it delivers all the gas I've ever required of it. I've only taken mine to 150' but it performed as well or better than a shallow dive.

My B2 sounds exactly the same on the surface, in air, as it does while underwater.

All the best, James

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