When I was a kid, my mom learned to scuba while we were stationed in Guam. I was too young and always had to sit on the beach and watch her. I've always loved and respected the water. I'm the happiest when i'm around it. But life happened. A few years ago I realized that since my two eldest boys were "grown" (are they ever really?), and the youngest starting to spread his wings, I found myself spending more and more time looking for something to do with my extra time. So in 2008 I decided to learn to dive. My middle son was certifed along with me. Plans were for him to be my divebuddy. well, he also had a life so I began having to find others to dive with. That's where scubaboard came in. I've met a wonderful group of people thru this board. I am hooked on diving, it consumes me and I love it!