Question and Answer (a game)

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I didn't move it

when did it move?
I mowed the lawn! Woo Hoo!

What primary divelight do you use?
Probably... but we can always start another, LOL!

Would you start another?
Thinking about Pm "El Oran" to ask why he moved it, maybe that could be a thread. I'm okay with the move, I would just like to know why.

Should the next thread be a Answer & Question Thread, Post the anawer and the next poster has to respond in the form of a question, then post a new answer?
no, but its fun to dream that we eventually may...

are you watching MNF?

Somewhere I have a rant about that, and why I am boycotting football.

Is football struggling to pay it's million dollar players so badly that we must NOW pay to see something that has been on Network TV for nearly 30 years?
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