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it was a silent movie (talkies were not yet created ... just an old guy comment)

What year was it when you watched your first Star Wars movie?
my first star wars movie was return of the jedi, whenever that came out in the theaters

It was in 1977 when the first one hit the screens and I watched it just days before heading off to basic training.

Movie theater: buy popcorn and soda or not
buy both

how did popcorn get associated with watching movies?
nope.....favre is old and doesn't have any supporting recievers

why is "I do" the longest sentence in the world?
because it can lead to a lifetime of happiness or a lifetime of regret....

What have you adapted from scuba diving into other sports? (ie wearing your drysuit while snowboarding)
not so much what I adapted from scuba into life, but life into scuba. How I keep myself organized, so that I can reach anything I need without thinking about it or having to look for it. Like knowing were your gauges are attached to your bcd, your octo, etc.....

why are people who invest your money called brokers and what doctors do is a practice????
I would think that since they are "technically" gambling with your money on the stock exchange, they can easily cause you to go broke.

And the science of medicine is everything but exact, and when it comes to determining the problem a patient has, it is more than often nothing more than an educated guess.

Where does the saying "It never rains, but poors" have it's origination?
I would think that since they are "technically" gambling with your money on the stock exchange, they can easily cause you to go broke.

And the science of medicine is everything but exact, and when it comes to determining the problem a patient has, it is more than often nothing more than an educated guess.

Where does the saying "It never rains, but poors" have it's origination?

IT NEVER RAINS BUT IT POURS - "One stroke of good (or ill) fortune is often followed by many other instances of luck (or misfortune) when you least expect them. The proverb dates back to the eighteenth century. In 1726, English physician John Arbuthnot (1667-1735), published a book entitled 'It Cannot Rain But It Pours.' Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) and Alexander Pope (1688-1744) collaborated on an essay entitled 'It Cannot Rain But It Pours.' The saying has been use ever since." From "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996). The saying, in a slightly different form, is the slogan for Morton Salt: ".The company developed a salt that would be free-running even in damp weather. In 1911, a little girl with an umbrella and her now-famous slogan, 'When It Rains It Pours,' were created to promote this new product in a national consumer advertising campaign. The Morton Umbrella Girl and slogan first appeared on the blue package of table salt in 1914. Throughout the years the ageless girl has changed dresses and hairstyles to stay fashionable. She was updated in 1921, 1933, 1941, 1956 and 1968. Together they have symbolized the growth and progress of the company through the years." From

where did wet your whistle come from?
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