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I've cleaned up spit-up, so that's a known quantity... but changing diapers is still a rite of passage I've yet to take.

Which is worse... changing a cloth diaper or changing a disposable one?
Well, it depends...the cloth diapers are, overall, less expensive and better for the environment. However, you do have to wash them out right away...well, at least the poopie ones, and that can be a bit disgusting. The disposables are so much easier to use, but they don't biodegrade well. So, you will have to decide for yourself. Maybe cloth at home and disposable for trips out. Hehe, I'm not the expert at this subject. :D

Say, I know what. Let's talk about bananas. Do you like to eat your bananas while they're firm and just a little green, or ripe and a little soft?
I like mine anywhere from ripe to a little soft. My wife makes great banana nut bread out of the soft ones.

What do you like with bananas? peanut butter, cottage cheese, mayo etc.
wow... I guess "texture" was the segue on that transition... [shudder] LOL!
banana pudding

Which do you prefer: jello or pudding?

Cocoa or squares
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