Question and Answer (a game)

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all of the time... but my name is invisible. I did send a message asking "who are you?" because I wasn't sure it was you :yippie17:

Ever been so bored that you watched an infomercial?
No I usually read, or try to find something else to do.

Besides diving, and horses what else do you do for fun?
Theres more to life than diving & horses?!? Hmm I like hiking- especially in the deserts here because you can find pretty cool stuff like old pictographs & morteros. Reading, tv, internet, basic stuff...

Do you have kids?

Seen any good movies lately?
I saw the new star wars, which wasn't bad.

Any exciting plans lined up this week?
Not really... dentist on Wed, moving my horses to a new stable on Saturday.. Hopefully getting a couple of dives in somewhere :)

Wanna come diving with me? :scubadive
Sure, I'd love to.

How long does it take to get to CA?
Depends... driving, flying, walking, train, bus?

What thickness is your wetsuit?
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