Question and Answer (a game)

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The Turning of the Three...Gunslinger Trilogy

(actually none of's just a great title...:D)

Which Muppet would you most like to be and why?
miss. piggy..i like being bossy.............follower or leader
follower or leader
There they go, and I must hurry after them, for I am their leader.

[Belafonte, at Carnegie Hall, said "You've got to keep up with the masses, man. For if you don't, they'll catch up with you and trample you to death." Too hard to use as a question.]

Okay, what's the best thing you ever drew on an etch-a-sketch?
totally stumped.............Jessie Jackson?
house with a tree.......................white or rye
The Great Lakes?......................would you rather be cop or robber?
Actually...most of them are kinda grungy...I don't know if I'd call them "fresh" really...:D Well...I guess the Zebra Mussels are trying to freshen them up...

(I couldn't resist)
well, in school I learned it is lake superior, but who knows anymore...

What's the world's biggest island?
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