Question and Answer (a game) part 2

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It is written pasticcio as I have just seen at the gword programme.And the google translator,but honestly I cannot find any other translation....

Younger diver you have ever dove with?
So far it was Dia island because it has clear waters and rough wall dives. But my really favourite spot will be the Red Sea.

How old were you when certified?
How young is too young to dive?

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Eh, I'd say it's a matter of acceptance of personal responsibility and maturity. But there should be a cutoff age.

Craziest dive buddy you've ever had?
Just the voices in my head when I go solo.
Do you ever solo dive?
No, I'm not stupid. Not a rank on you, just I'm low on the education/experience curve.

Any cool, 'No one will believe this!' ocurrences on your solo dives?
Usually its a "you won't believe the size of this lobster/flounder/tog that got away!"
You do any underwater hunting?
No, went on lobster dive last year, gear problems, out-o-shape, and crappy vis kept me from hunting.

Sorry, this explanation is so long.

Can't remember or find the name of the science fiction story, but the gist is that an unmanned, huge spacecraft drifts into our solar system. On this huge craft are lots of smaller craft. We gain enough knowledge to activate the smaller craft. They are pre-programmed to travel to specific destinations at warp speed. We just don't know how long that will be, or where it will be. The thing is, you load up a ship with people and supplies, and hope for the best. Some come back with technologies and materials that make them rich. Some craft come back years later with the dessicated corpses of the crew. Some, had really neat, monetarily worhtless sightseeing trips.

Would you go?
Sure why the hell not?
Was that a movie?

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