Question and Answer (a game) part 2

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Pretty much all of them, Europe, Japan, Pacifica...

If you could learn another lanquage, which would it be?
It depends who is "you". As for me, I like scuba diving, clubbing and swimming on summer time, skiing, reading books and hanging around with my friends on winter, paintballing and travelling all year long. I like to try AFF (accelerated Free Fall) bunjee and all sorts of extreme sports.

Any suggestions on other kind of extreme sports?
As soon as I can get it up and going, re-entry from low Earth orbit in a disposable vehicle turning into skydiving.

What would you like to try, but haven't had the opportunity?
Reading on Sunday morning with coffee.

What would be your most awaited dive? The one you want to do but haven't?
Actually there is one dive I would like to do.It is in a local place here in Greece, where I had the opportunity twice,but never did it. The first time it was because I was not a diver certified yet and the second time was because of me having a strong pain inside my sinus...There are some other dives as well,but about this dive it is a matter of honor now...

Would you like to dive at Red Sea this summer?
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