OK i know the weight of the ranger ltd is around 10 lbs. but the question is this what is the buoyancy of the BC in the water. is it neutral or positive in the water. you don't have anything on the web sit about this. i know it will be a little different from model to model. but has anyone done some pool time with this? as i have not had the time to check this yet.
I'm just trying to get a better idea on what weight is needed to off set things in the water. i know I'm going to get some flack on this from some that just say dive and forget things like this. but i am one of curious nature of things. and you cant have to much knowledge of things.
I'm just trying to get a better idea on what weight is needed to off set things in the water. i know I'm going to get some flack on this from some that just say dive and forget things like this. but i am one of curious nature of things. and you cant have to much knowledge of things.