In a perfect world the student would read the specialty manual, watch the audiovisual presentation and go through the interactive exercise on the audiovisual. Then answer the chapter review questions before class.
The audiovisual, textbook, chapter review exercises are part of a programmed learning system. Our store does not require you to purchase the audiovisual. We give you the opportunity to visit the classroom on your own time and watch the film or just show the film as part of the class. Many students wish to purchase the audiovisual to add to their personal library.
The more prepared you are before class, the more you will get out of it. The more you put into preparation and study the more you will learn hands down.
In class the instructor presents important topics and facilitates during a question and answer period based on questions about the audiovisual and book. Then they go over the chapter review exercises and answer questions before a short final exam.
This before class preparation, classroom presentation, verification of learning, pool exercises, and open water experience provides the optimum learning experience.
If you just can't justify spending the $30 for the audiovisual talk to your store manager and arrange to see it before class or simply ask your instructor to show it in class.