You might want to consider the possibility that standards have evolved since you took the class... I took mine about a month ago, and that document appears to be very much out of date. There are a whole number of other things in it that appear to contradict my recent experience. For example, the document states that "skills 14-18 must be graded as a 3 or higher", whereas in my class, it was stated that ALL the skills have to be graded 4 or higher, and indeed, that's what was enforced (if it were not, I'd be holding a tech pass right now). I based my post on verbal statements of my instructor, materials presented in the course, the presence of instructor evaluator in the room throughout the class, and first-hand knowledge of who did what, and what outcome they graduated with. Anyhow, I just tried to help by responding to OP's question, I don't have much interest in winning this debate... let a GUE instructor chip in, and clear it up for OP's sake...