Question about diving Breakwater in the winter

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Hey all!

I'm a relatively new diver with ~50 dives all of them in warm water (using 5mm wetsuit) here in Hawaii, and I'm going to be visiting NorCal from December 13-27. Given my experience, is diving a place like Breakwater in the winter a good idea or would you guys recommend holding off until summer?

Thanks guys!
Winter is best (even sometimes during storms).

That said, it sure ain't Hawaii. You'll need more neoprene and more lead, thus you'll have to deal with much greater buoyancy shifts. Also, you need to rely much more on your compass, as the vis will be nowhere near Hawaii.

I'd also recommend hiring a local guide and checking out Chuck Tribolet's excellent pages for new Monterey divers.

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temperature-wise CA water is cold year round (45-55 F) so yes, dive in December if you can handle it.
You'll need more neoprene and more lead, thus you'll have to deal with much greater buoyancy shifts. Also, you need to rely much more on your compass, as the vis will be nowhere near Hawaii.

We are relatively new divers and new to Monterey as well. I'd second the opinion about greater buoyancy shifts, and add that there is alot more marine life to see.

- Bill
There's also less kelp in winter. :wink:

But generally I consider that a less exciting thing.
The water is typically coldest in the late spring, and around Christmas should still be pretty warm. The area is definitely worth diving if the seas are calm. If you can do so on a week day, get with Bruce at Aquarius on Del Monte Street, and have him take you to Point Lobos. It requires reservations far in advance on weekends.
If I could only dive Monterey one week a year, it would be the week between Christmas and New Years.

But it ain't Hawai'i I'd suggest getting a guide from one of the Monterey dive shops.

And think about diving Pt. Lobos.

Some of my best dives in Monterey were over Christmas...go figure! Can't complain about calm seas and 80+ ft vis.

i don't recommend aquarius on del monte. you can read the reviews and decide for yourself.
Aquarius Dive Shop - Monterey, CA

there are other dive shops in the area worth checking out. just my opinion of course, nothing more.
Unfortunately Yelp is extremely biased unless you pay them, and even more so if you do pay them, so reviews are often not accurate polling. Coming from an industry where they made offers and threatened us if we didn't pay, I have no respect for yelps policies.

With that said, yes the owners at Aquarius can be a little abrupt sometimes. Gruff voices can make a certain type of impression. None the less, Bruce has more dives guiding people at Lobos then probably anyone else, and knows the area like the back of his hand. Something to be said for experience.

There are plenty of good shops in Monterey. Some are known to have grumpy owners, and others are newer and trying to build a reputation. Every shop has their good and bad points. I have used all but Seven Seas Scuba which is the newer store.

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