query on dive c-cards 'master diver'

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Brisbane, Australia. Though I'd rather be home in
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100 - 199
hi everyone, I have a quick query - I'm going to do my master diver cert. in thailand in a month or 2 (not divemaster, why they have 2 qualifications that are the same name backwards is beyond me)

does anyone know a link to a picture of what the actual card your ceertified looks like? I've seen the open-water, advanced and rescue cards as well as the divemaster card but not master diver.

also why is there no mention of the master diver course on the PADI webpage.... It seems a bit odd.

for those of you not sure of what im talking about im referring to the master diver cert. which involves having your rescue cert. and completing 5 speciality courses - ie deep, night, nitrox etc etc

thanks for any info anyone can give me on the subject :)
A Dive Master is a "professional" position that permits you to run dives.

A Master Diver is a recognition of reaching a certain stage of dive training. Like you said - AOW, Rescue, five specialties.

I didn't know that there was course for Master Diver, I thought once you had all of the pre-req's, you got the card. I don't think that it is a certification.
"why is there no mention of the master diver course on the PADI webpage.... It seems a bit odd."

It is odd, but then again, it isn't odd. It isn't odd that they don't mention the course because they don't have a Master Diver course. Other agencies do have such a course. PADI simply awards the certification (upon payment of certification fees) to anyone who is:

A PADI Divemaster with any 5 PADI specialites


A PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or Advanced Plus Diver (Advanced Plus is no longer available) and a PADI Rescue Diver with any 5 PADI specialites.

Yes, they have a card that means nothing that your other cards don't already cover, except that you were willing to pay money for another card.
and a great one at that. Any PADI affiliate trying to sell you a Master Diver Course is just trying to increase their profit margin. Can't blame them, but I don't condone it either.
The only valid argument that I've heard regarding the master of scuba diving certification is that you only have to carry that one card once you have it. I'm assuming it shows the actual specialties you were certified for.

In short: you get all these cards and then, you pay for one more card, so that you can trash all your other cards.

On another note, did you know that Padi charge $25 for a replacement c card?
the card doesn't list which specialties you have taken. the top of the front says Master Scuba Diver and the back has the same type of information that any other padi c-card has. once you have the ow through rescue courses and 5 specialties, you go to your friendly neighborhood padi instructor and you fill out a form which lists all of the classes you've taken. send the form in to padi with a picture and $15.00 (two years ago it was $15) and in a month or two they send you your new card. and then they don't quit sending you stuff telling you that you should be a divemaster or instructor.... actually, they only sent me the packet once. pm me if you would like a copy of the form... i think that i still have the pdf somewhere...
diver qualification. Dive master, is going down the road to instruction level certs. that is the quick answer....

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