Pulau Aur Accomodation - Diver's Lodge or Atlantis Bay (Which is better and why?)

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I'll be going up to Pulau Aur on a diving trip and i can't seem to decide if Diver's Lodge is better or Atlantis Bay Resort. Price difference is about $50-$60. In terms of food, accomodation, cleanliness, which is better?
I used to go to Diver's Lodge and I liked it as a down market but clean place. Unfortunately, my age eventually caught up with me and I figured that their loud late night parties did not mix well with early morning diving. Since I liked diving and sleeping more than getting wasted and pretending I was in school again, I moved out. They are nice people there though.

I have never been to Atlantis Bay but I hope they are out of earshot of Diver's Lodge!
I think that Divers lodge should be removed form the face of this planet. I like the comment from the other thread where someone commented to get away form the noise they can go up to their cabin. unforatunately that doesnt apply to the other resorts in the channel where you get blasted by the noise. I am not opposed to parties or drinking, although i do try and moderate drinking during dive trips. People should remeber that although they may not have drunk much if they dont get much sleep their body may not have recovered and will still be in a les than fit condition (ie more prone to bends). I got one of their party weekend invites which basically said i would be EXPECTED TO STAY UP AND DRINK, drinks were included. I thought this was plain danegerous.

At the end of the day if thats what you want to do great, but DL blasts out music that affects all of the Aur Dayang resorts. I go diving to get away from it all not to find it. Aur/Dayang is a great spot isolated no regular ferries, so why spoil it with the mohamed sultan style music joint.
Try Sebukang Bay, Adventure Underwater Resort, if a change of environment/accommendation is needed while diving the Aur/Dayang waters.
it's at the southern part of aur. diagonally southwest of the bay is lang. now there is a mega promotion, $220. hee...

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