I just returned from PV late last night. I dove with Pacific Scuba at Majahuitas, Los Arcos, and Marietas Islas. We saw humpback whales all over the bay, even from the beach at the hotel. On the way out to Islas Marietas we saw both humpbacks and even orcas. That was a little sad, as the orcas come in to the bay to eat the baby humpbacks. Apparently they seperate the baby from the mom and keep it down under until it drowns, then only eat the tongue, as it is the fattiest and most nutritious. Made me want to cry, but that is the way of nature. The weather was beautiful, into the 80s and very sunny. Get a bit of a tan first. I did and was fine, but my friend is pretty burned. And my lips are scorched and peeling. But it was definitely worth it. Diving was great, as was the sun, the city, the people, etc....... I love PV!! And, by the way, Pacific Scuba is a great crew to go with - a small boat with personalized service, friendly, accommodating, serious about diving but guys with a sense of humor. Enjoy yourself, divescubasteve1, and if you go with Pacific Scuba, tell them Nancy from Wisconsin says HI!