Pt Lobos Question

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Reaction score
Mountain View, CA
# of dives
500 - 999
Is there a memorial plaque at the Hole In The Wall dive site? There is something resembling more a large crack in a wall that is definitely in the vicinity of where Hole In The Wall should be and my buddy and I were wondering if this is THE HITW dive site. Just outside this large crack in the wall (the SW side) is a square memorial plaque dedicated to Stephen David Paul (if memory serves).


As far as I know, there is a plaque on middle reef, in 60 fsw, right next to a large rock slightly west off the reef. I do remember there being a sizeable hole in the reef next to it- but its not THE hole on the wall. If you take a west heading from there, you'll cross over the sand channel, hit another reef which will eventually take you on to HITW proper.

I dont recall the name on the plaque, but there are a couple posts about- just can't seem to find them on my phone

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Thanks. We actually did head west over the sand channel after encountering the crack and the plaque. At that point, however, we had our eye open for the Lone Metridium and weren't hunting for the hole. Now we know. Thanks again!


As far as I know, there is a plaque on middle reef, in 60 fsw, right next to a large rock slightly west off the reef. I do remember there being a sizeable hole in the reef next to it- but its not THE hole on the wall. If you take a west heading from there, you'll cross over the sand channel, hit another reef which will eventually take you on to HITW proper.

I dont recall the name on the plaque, but there are a couple posts about- just can't seem to find them on my phone

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You know, if you've never been shown the hole, youre going to swim right past it. You have to get real low ( like 2 feet off the bottom) and look up through the hole to see the water behind. We never would have found it if we hadn't been shown.

Also, lone medium makes me kinda sad- all by itself- but its a very cool area to explore. One of my favourites.

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Wow, TIL...I don't recall ever hearing about a plaque. 60ft depth off Middle Reef puts it right at the "end" of the northern tip of the reef, just east of HITW proper. Definitely something to keep an eye out for next time!

Yes, probably at the end of MR--at about 60ft--because when we crossed the sand channel from this point, on a 300 compass heading (so NW), we quickly hit 70ft (but this was at about 8:45 a.m.--we were the first team into the water--and it was a very high tide).

Rectangular dark copper/brass colored plague, maybe 15" x 12", wedged into some rocks right on the floor of the reef just outside the large crack in the wall. Dedicated to Stephen David Paul (or Stephen Paul David, one or the other), 1960 - 2008 (or 2000).

Wow, TIL...I don't recall ever hearing about a plaque. 60ft depth off Middle Reef puts it right at the "end" of the northern tip of the reef, just east of HITW proper. Definitely something to keep an eye out for next time!

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The plaque is indeed there, though I wonder sometimes why it's not in a more prominent location. I almost always run into it on a Middle Reef dive.
As you approach northern end of a middle reef, on a sand channel side (west) there will be a hole that goes through the reef.
The plaque is laying at the northern side of the hole. last storm tore it off from the chain,

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