PSD Conference March 26, 2010 at BTS

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
West Chester, PA
# of dives
2500 - 4999
The Beneath the Sea Trade held held annually in Seacaucus, NJ will be hosting their 4th Publice Safety Diver Educational Conference in the Holiday Inn on March 26, 2010. You can purchase tickets online at their website Beneath The Sea. Feel free to PM me if I can help you out, to follow is a description of the presentations:


It is impossible to eliminate risk for public safety dive teams. It is a dangerous job no matter how you look at it. However, new technology and new information can help you minimize your risk and help keep you and your team safer. This day long program covers some of the most timely topics in public safety diving. Each one is designed to help you be safer in the water.

Using Technology to Aid Your Dive Team and Minimize Risk: A. Simeon Whitehill will discuss how ROV technology can increase the efficiency and safety of dive teams. He will demonstrate how to best utilize these emerging technologies as well as discuss their realistic limitations using real life examples.

Developing Standards for Contaminated Water Diving: Faith Ortins will report on the efforts by various agencies, including the NFPA, to develop equipment standards for contaminated water diving. She will also discuss the realistic limitations of these standards and chemical testing. Practices you can implement immediately to improve your safety will be presented as well.

Communications for Public Safety Dive Teams: The use of full face masks and communications is a proven tool to increase your effectiveness and safety in the water. John Hott, from OTS, will discuss how to get the most out of your communications and full face equipment. He will also demonstrate how these valuable tools can be used to improve your safety and mitigate risk in contaminated water in particular.

Medical and Physical Fitness Standards for Public Safety Dive Teams; Medical and physical complications are the number one contributing factor to public safety diver fatalities. Tom Greenhalgh is a recognized expert in this field and a long time PS diver from Massachusetts. He is working with the Undersea Hyperbaric Medical Society to develop a medical standard for public safety divers to go along with the physical fitness standard recently implemented by NFPA. In addition, Tom will also discuss dealing with the post traumatic stress issues often faced by public safety divers.

Incident Command Structure: How Emergency Action Plans Help Keep You Safe: This session will discuss how to incorporate emergency action plans into your SOP and how having a safety officer as part of your incident command structure can save the life of one of your team members some day. Steve Orusa is a recognized expert in this field and has managed dive teams in the Chicago area for over 20 years.

Maintaining Your Dive Team's Readiness
Once your PSD Response Team is in place, it is important to protect the investment; ongoing training and skills reviews, equipment service and upgrades, professional development, and a proactive grant application policy. This presentation is presented by Steve Lewis of ERDI and is aimed at current PSD Team leaders but is open to all PSD professionals

Thank you,
Jeff Heim
Beneath the Sea
Director of Technical Diving

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