*Gaining more knowledge
*Meet new people
* Gain new experience
* Discover new world
* Seeing new creatures
* Feeling unique and you are special
* Increases yourself confidence.
* Trust me the list is so long
It destroys everything in your life that is not related to diving.
* You lose connection with people whom are not diving, (Family, friends,...etc).
* Bank accounts.
* Life style. people like stay up late in vacations while we sleep early to wake up early to dive
* Can not concentrate in your work because of either posting on scubaboard, or thinking about what to post on scubaboard.
* Non Diver don't understand the feeling of being a diver. when you say your feeling, they laugh and think you are getting crazy
* Trust me the list is so long
If you are trying to find if diving is good thing or a mistake. If it is a mistake, it worth making
*Gaining more knowledge
*Meet new people
* Gain new experience
* Discover new world
* Seeing new creatures
* Feeling unique and you are special
* Increases yourself confidence.
* Trust me the list is so long
It destroys everything in your life that is not related to diving.
* You lose connection with people whom are not diving, (Family, friends,...etc).
* Bank accounts.
* Life style. people like stay up late in vacations while we sleep early to wake up early to dive
* Can not concentrate in your work because of either posting on scubaboard, or thinking about what to post on scubaboard.
* Non Diver don't understand the feeling of being a diver. when you say your feeling, they laugh and think you are getting crazy
* Trust me the list is so long
If you are trying to find if diving is good thing or a mistake. If it is a mistake, it worth making