Good point! I already dive dry and with the water temps wouldn't go with anything else. I would say for future diving I am looking to dive deep for ocean dives. Some fantastic dives I want to do around my location in depths of up to 80m. However, I would say the greatest interest is to start cave diving, been at a few cave entrances in the ocean that lead into small systems and always wanted to further explore where they lead. I imagine with the inland caves in Australia is where I will do most of my diving for caves and its only a few hours away.
Probably the main point to take away is that I am going to follow a path that leads towards exploring places few have been.
Tech diving requires you to carry more gas so you'll do the AN/Deco classes in either doubles or sidemount - two different roads, one is mainly open ocean and the other is mainly caves.
Equipment for both roads is different - if you are primarily going to be in caves wearing a drysuit, you ought to train dry in sidemount. You ought to train with someone that is very familiar with the sidemount system you choose - each system sets up differently and spending time guessing where the baseline setup is can be frustrating.
TDI offers a sidemount class, I would take that as a get your feet wet class and spend time refining your setup, before you take ITT.
Backmount doubles for me was really easy, sidemount, not so much at first