I've been using the ProEar for 3 months now. No problems equalizing, just chronic ear infections. It usually works pretty well. When the ear cups do leak. they've never completely flooded (which is fairly annoying as I can feel water run into my ear every time I turn my head a certain way).
The mask seems to leak more often during the 1st 20 feet or so or when I need a haircut. I usually have a number 2 on the sides but when it gets too long, the mask seems to leak more often. Also, you must take your time putting it on and make sure that the seal isn't folded under and your ear is completly inside the inner cup (there are two sets of seals).
On their website, it talks about how to purge the mask should the ear cups flood but I've never had any luck clearing all of the water out, probably just a issue of technique.
The mask also comes with an additional strap that goes over the top of your head. This is designed to keep the mask from slipping down around your neck (the strap that has the ear cups must be worn lower on your head). They don't show this on the photos on the website but I would recomend using it although it is somewhat silly looking.
"Are you making fun of my head gear" - South Park
One other thing, it is loud!! Sometimes it will squeal when air is travelling through the tubes. It's intermittent and very annoying but that's the price you pay for having dry ears.
I am considering using those vented ear plugs with the mask just to keep water out of my ears when I get a little in the mask - I won't be able to hear a damn thing!!