Problems with Mares DiveOrganizer

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Reaction score
Bronx, New York, United States
# of dives
100 - 199
Hi I have a problem with this program. When i put my info in "Database"in "diver" section my weight 236lb, after accepting all changes program shows in main window that im 357pd ( wrong weight and it should lb not pd). What should i do to get correct numbers.Thank You Rafal
Do you have the latest version of dive organizer?
If not please proceed to Mares - just add water and download the dive organizer setup. This should clear up any issues. In my organizer I have only two options in weight setting, lbs or kg. Let me know if this works for you.

Hi Zak thank you for respond.So I did downlod newest version of DiveOrganizer and I did install it on two differtent computers with two different system(windows XP and windows 7). Now I don't have problems withs symbol(pd instead of lbs ) but when I log into organizer and go to database -> diver -> info. Im putting in height 5.11 and in weight 236.00 (I did try without .00 still same thing) im accepting all changes with green mark and im living this page by presing door mark.
However when i will go to "diver" in main page in my info it shows height 7 ft and in weight 351 lb.
Program is changing this automaticly and I dont know why becouse "unit measures" are correct and when i go back to database->diver->info i have my numbers .This probles is the same on two different computers. I was wondering if im the only one with this problem or maybe im just doing something wrong.
Thank you Rafal
I am seeing the exact same problem. I am on the newest release as well. There is definitely a bug in the height and weight input and then the translation into the "Diver" info.
I'm have the same challenge as the guys above. I've downloaded the latest and greatest, but to no avail.
Hi all, sorry for the delay. It's just me and well it's summer, very busy. You are correct, I see what you are talking about. I'll forward this info to our software engineer. Thank you for pointing it out. This is an example of why these forums can be helpful for all.

Best regards,
Is there a way to change the Username or password in Dive Organizer. Since I'm the only one using the software I want to remove the password and make my Username something simple.


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