This absolutely works for me when I put it on the charger. The screen turned on said charging complete when I took it off and tried turning it on it wouldn’t I thought expensive loss and then I read this comment and Boom turned on within seconds of putting it in warm to hot water and depressing the buttons came loose cleaned it Back to normal. You are a lifesaver.Try soaking it in warm-to-hot water for a few minutes and then compressing both buttons on the sides. I didn't do a good job of getting mine clean after a trip and those buttons basically 'froze'. I thought my battery was dead. After soaking it the buttons got 'unstuck' and it was good to go. IF that's the problem, I recommend rinsing in RUNNING water at the end of each dive day while pressing those buttons. If that's not the problem ... maybe Shearwater will have a better answer? Good luck!