Problem With Prestige 22 NTT regulator

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I just came from diving and was using my Prestige 22NTT regulator.
When I was just going down in the water I heard a "poping" sound and I thought it was nothing. But during the dive I felt like some water was going ineverytime I inhaled air. But not everytime just a few breaths but this is not supossed to happen at all. Then I tried it it in the surface and everything was good with it. Worked fine. Tried it here at home and it works good.
My question is if anybody knows if this is normal maybe because of the low water temperature since we were diving today at 3oC (pretty cold water here in Norway) and something happened with the membrane because it was too cold.
Another thing is that I bought this regulator the end of lsast year and I have only done 11 dives with it!!! Its brand new!!! This should not happen!!!
Has this happened to anybody?
Check for trash/debris in your exhaust valve(s). They might also be folded over. A broken diaphragm can accomplish the same thing. Easy enough to check for leaks dry. With your dust cap in place, suck on the first stage. Do you feel/hear an air leak? For a more rigid test, put your face in a sink of water and do the same thing. Check for water in the reg, but be careful that you didn't get it in by accident! :D
Thanks for the quick rely.

I tried the second and the octopus now in dry and it seems that I can breath through both of them wich is not normal. My wife has the same gear as me and as I try to inhale it doesnt let me but only exhaling. In mune you can do both. The thing its like I said. Its not only the second stage but the octopus too. What could be wrong then? SOmething broke? This is pretty inconvinient since in 9 days from now we are going to Utila to dive and of course wwant to take my gear.
I am not familiar with the Mares, but the front of the second stage probably twists right off like most any other second stage. Do that, gently remove the diaphragm and inspect it and your purge valves.

OR... take it into your LDS which sells this reg and have them take a look see. Odds are, it's a simple enough fix.
Got it fixed? I'm thinking about buying this model and would like to hear what the problem was...
This is 99.9% percent an exhaust valve issue, which is most likely has debris or is folded over somehow, which is a simple fix, and not related to the construction of the regulator. You should take it to your store for them to analyze. At the end of the day, the Prestige 22 is a fantastic regulator, breathes excellent in all conditions.

I hope you got it fixed prior to your trip.

Best regards,
Hey there,

Yes I got it fixed during my trip on the first day of arrival I took it to the Mares shop and it was ready in less than 20 minutes. As Zack Ohara said it was indeed the membrane wich folded over. It was not a big thing and no it was not because of the design, it seems this can happen with any second stage. And yes, I would recomend this regulator and second stage because I have been using it in warm as well as in very cold waters (3oC) here in Norway and it just works like a charm and the breathing is pretty good (have tried it up to 32 mts.). And for the price its a steal!!!!
By the way, Zak, the NTT version of the prestige isn't listed anywhere on the official Mares pages. Is the NTT an older version to the Prestige Mares currently offers? If so, which one is 'better', more sophisticated/higher grade?
The NTT stands for Nano Thermal Technology. Essentially the polymer characteristics are taken to nano state, ceramic is added and then built back into the molded finished 2nd stage. By adding the ceramics at this nano state, it gives the regulator metal characteristics, yet the weight and moldability (for design) of a polymer product. It is actually quite innovative for Scuba Diving Industry.

We are discontinuing this 2nd stage for reasons I cannot answer (decision on manufacturing is above my pay grade). Could be the process is too expensive to manufacturer, maybe we simply have too many regs. At any rate, I would consider this 2nd stage to be very high end with high end performance.



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