SEMO Scuba
I couldn't agree more. But she seems to have trouble getting the concepts down, even though she has been through a few classes prior to this one.
She decided to take this class with a few female friends in order to get it down better. I spent a lot of time patiently talking to her about apatures, -stops Depth of field, shutter speeds, back scatter, white balance, you name it, she just gets overwhelmed. I find she does better getting trained by someone other than her husband, based on past disasters I have survived. Same thing for snow skiing and backing trailers. Guys, back me up on this one. Never teach your spouse anything, let someone else do it. It's safer.
This website has helped me tremendously. Beginners guide to underwater photography|Underwater Photography Guide
Underwater photography is difficult. You really need to understand the relationship between aperture & shutter speed. Many things that apply to taking pictures topside do not work well under water. Under water photo takes some trial and error to learn what settings work with YOUR camera and HOW you take your photos, (distance from subject, flash or no flash, zoomed in our out). Even good under water photographers take a lot of throw away pictures.