Pro Plus 2 flashes CAL ALT and reboots

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
San Diego
# of dives
500 - 999
My Pro Plus 2 went off the deep-end this weekend and I'm curious if anyone else has seen this condition.

Upon activation, the unit counts down from 9 to 0 than blinks:
than reboots and starts the same procedure over and over several more times.
When it first happen it also flashed CSM..CSM after the ALT, but that has gone away.

The only reasonable explanation for this problem was a recent flight I took from San Diego to Orland.

Could the pressure sensor have been damaged in flight by just altitude changes? I carried-on the computer in my padded reg bag from Orlando to LA and than checked the bag during my connecting flight from LA my local municipal airport (a small prop plane flight). I took my time and care in wrapping the computer to prevent any impact damage, so I highly doubt that is the cause.

I don't suppose anyone can share a solution to reseting or re-calibrating the pressure sensor?
Zero responses to a thread is never a good sign...:shakehead:

My call to Oceanic customer service was quick.
"You need to send it in to be calibrated..." was the response,
"and here is your Return Authorization number".

I was quoted $150 for the service, which I was told would include rebuilding the unit using new part, not just the calibration service.

So, how did this happen, and why?
The tech agreed that "maybe" the unpressurized portion of the airplane cabin "might" have made this happen. He offered no other explanation of why a 2 year old computer would have this problem.

I have always been leery of taking computers on airplanes, and this was my learning experience to never let it out of my loving arms during air travel again.

I wish the manufacturer had done a better job of informing me of the "potential" that air travel would cost me $150 for sensor recalibration/repair, AND the time lost waiting for shipping/repair/shipping. Frankly, I feel let down.

Having elicited no other reasons for the problem , the air travel sits prime suspect in the case.

If this is the case, the manual should include the generalized statement "...upressurized baggage compartments could damage your computer." Knowing this, I would have been more vigilant in keeping the computer in the pressurized (under the seat in front of me) portion of the cabin.

The statement in the manual reads "If computer is activated above 14,000 ft it will turn off automatically." Giving the impression that it's ok to take the computer above 14,000 with out problem.

I'll follow-up with final repair report once the unit is returned.

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I think it is highly likely that having it in an unpressurized cargo area did it. Airlines are usually more than double 14,000 ft and it also gets below freezing at altitude. I personally would always keep the computer a carry on.
1. I doubt that the computer has ever been in an unpressurized cargo area. The cargo area of normal airline jets is INSIDE the pressure tube. Look at the shape of an aircraft and it should be pretty obvious that all of the area in the "tube" is at the same pressure. That flat floor between the cabin and the baggage hold can't withstand any significant pressure.

2. Pressure sensors can get small errors from salt buildup on the sensor surface. It doesn't take much to throw off the altitude measurement.

If the problem is salt buildup on the pressure sensor, putting just the module for a long soak in warm water might solve the problem.
I've had two Oceanic computers go into weird modes. One "fixed" itself when I took out the battery for a bit. The other had to be sent in, the sensor had bit the dust.
Tried those tricks, but to no avail. Computer was last used diving fresh water 5 days before failure; I doubt it's salt deposit problem. Debris from the cavern maybe, but not salt.

To be fair, I've done some research on the aircraft (EMB120) and it does have a pressurized baggage compartment. The max cabin pressure is 7 psi and the max altitude is 30,000ft. All this equates to me, and my computer, probably experiencing an equivalent altitude of 8,000ft. So, it probably wouldn't have made a difference between checking the bag or carrying-on. But the fact remains, the sensor went bad, and this flight seems to be the most reasonable reason.

While the problem should be resolved shortly, I hope, I still don't like the fact the sensor went bad in under 3 years.
My wife and I had the exact same problem with our PP2s but it was after my first dive on the computer (in Mexico) and her tenth dive (Pt Lobos). My failure was a month after purchase and hers less than 6 months, well within the two year warranty period. Sounds like yours was outside that zone.

My LDS replaced my computer on the spot when we returned from the trip. My wife's computer was returned to Oceanic by the LDS and replaced with a different computer, same PP2 model.

Computer is back in the water with 10+ dives and functioning properly.

It took about 10 days for Oceanic to send me a refurbished (but good condition) unit. I image it is more cost effective to switch out a refurbished unit rather than repair the defective unit.

Unfortunately, I'm still not sure if the airtravel had anything to do with the unit failure or not, thus leaving me confused about how I should travel with the unit in the future.
I doubt the air travel caused your problem. I've carried mine on over a dozen flights and haven't had an issue. Most of the group I travel with uses PP2s and none of them have had the ALT failure.
Here it is 2024 (JUNE) and my Oceanic Pro Plus is flashing ALT. This thing is not even a year old. I believe it is, after reading that these problems have been here since 2008, a better thing for me to do is go back to my Wisdom computer. It worked for years until it just wore out. That was a great unit.

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