Private Beach w/ great vis.

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Witness Protection Program (hiding from the MOFia)
We saw tons of cool stuff today! Ok ok so I begin all my posts that way but today I went somewhere new :wink: Yes I actually left my itty bitty 3' section of the right cove at Ft. Wetherill.
My plan for the day was to snorkel with johnnyseko after his fun dive with OSS (he can tell you about that).We came armed with squid and the idea was to entice fish to cooperate for photographs. We were just going to free dive in the usual spot around the rock on the far side of the right cove but when we got there EVERY dive op. in the tri-state area had taken all available parking spaces in order to finish up thier certs before it freezes. :shakehead
Anyway the fun dive was planned along the wall from the little cove where "the Goat Path" is. While the guys went bubble-blowing I snorkelled around. The vis was AWESOME! :D I don't recall who was whining about the 5' vis. at Ft. Wetherill earlier this week but it was 10-20' all day where I was plus there was nobody crowding me or kicking silt in my face. :D
While I was there by myself I found a sea star, which is a treat for me, and then a little cusk-eelish fish about 8" long decided to keep me company. :D There were TONS of beautiful comb jellies and had a lot of fun just laying in the water watching the light show. The bottom over there is nice and rocky with some sand and big boulders and lots of macro algae. There were a lot of mussels and not as many crabs as over by the boat ramp. There was the usual complement of cunner but there were quite a few larger totaug (juveniles and females) and of course about a trillion juvenile black sea bass. I think I got quite a few nice pictures in the great vis. :D
When John came back we broke out the squid and had a good time free diving and feeding some fairly large totaug. On our second excursion after lunch we were hovering around a big rock in about 10' of water where a bunch of fish had congregated. I saw a sennet and was trying to get John's attention while simultaniously trying to get some squid for it when a 2-3' SKATE came zooming up! :11: :11: :11: :D I of course got VERY excited about this and got John's attention then gave chase to the skate. I followed it around the rock, to one side of the cove then I chased it out into the gloom in at about 25'. I also managed to get PICTURES of it!!! :D

Summary of cool finds for the day:
sea stars
cusk-eel thing fish
and a golf ball John found
I don't recall who was whining about the 5' vis. at Ft. Wetherill earlier this week

Errr.... I bet he was about 6'3", blonde hair.......... and now he is probably whining because he didn't get to go diving today in this 20 ft vis you speak of........ :wink:
Yeah him *snicker* :wink:
He's really jealous that he didn't get to see the SKATE though I bet :wink:
Well, I think Gidds summed it up pretty well....awesome diving today!! Finally had some great vis in RI!
The fun dive went around the wall all the way to the right side at wetherill and around the point. (goat path) To add to the fish sightings...several large taotog, sea robin, 4 butterfly fish(not at the same time), and many of the others previously mentioned. Of course I didn't bring my catch bag and saw several good sized lobsters, but let them be for now. I'll be back! The wall on this dive is really nice and goes down 45-50' to the sand.
Shhhhhhhhhh Gidds don't reveal the secret spots. I should have never mailed you that _____.
I haven't gotten it yet :wink: Going over there wasn't even my idea, I was just along for the ride. Besides nobody other than me and a few other selected individuals are crazy enough to climb up and down that path three or four times in one day.
Shhhhhhhhhh Gidds don't reveal the secret spots. I should have never mailed you that _____.

Did I say right side? I meant left....oh, now I don't remember which cove we were in......... :D
Shhhhhhhhhh Gidds don't reveal the secret spots. I should have never mailed you that _____.

Yeah... jeez nobody ever heard of the goat path at Ft. Wetherill.... well I mean except like every diver in Rhode Island.... but not including them it is definitely your secret. So who showed it to you? Jeremy? Its just like Gidds said, most people would rather do the surface swim than climb down those rocks in full scuba.... :D
Since SOMEBODY is rotten with names I'll chip in; yes it was Jeremy. Like I said I am innocent of charges of divulging sensitive intelligence that isn't even in my possesion at the moment. The diving spot was selected while I was sitting in the car. I'm glad I wasn't dragging a tank down there, climbing up and down in a wetsuit is bad enough :wink:
Oh I forgot a cool critter for my list of finds: baby sea spider.
Since SOMEBODY is rotten with names I'll chip in; yes it was Jeremy. Like I said I am innocent of charges of divulging sensitive intelligence that isn't even in my possesion at the moment.

Yeah that is why I had to give Chris crap for giving you teasing you over "his" secret spots. I bet Jeremy showed it to him originally too. :D

All kidding aside Jeremy is a really great guy. If anyone here ever gets a chance to do one of the OSS fun dives when he is leading, I'd highly recommend it. I'm sure the other Chris will back me up on that.

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