Printing issues with OceanLog

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Quite Refined
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Nashville, TN
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200 - 499
Anyone else having issues with both 2.1.2 and 2.1.4 that when you attempt to print it goes into the printing spool but never actually produces any output? I'd really like to generate hard copies of our logs, but I just can't seem to make it behave....
What are you trying to print? Dive list, Data and Graph, Details, or Personal?

And all the dives, or a selection?

I'm using 2.1.4 and just printed some of each.

Are you having trouble printing out of any other apps? MS Word, etc?
No troubles with others apps. Trying to print Data and Graph.

I can print manually entered logs but not those downloaded from the PDC.
From your ProPlus 2, right?

Are you trying to print the Data and Graph for all the dives, or just the one on-screen?
I haven't figured out how to print the Data and Graph for all the dives (if you know - please tell me!). I've been trying one dive at a time, and all of the manually entered dives print while the downloaded dives stall out in spooling to the printer. It's not a matter of data transfer lag, as I've let it sit for over an hour to test that theory.
Just tried it, and it won't let me print them all, just one at a time.

Did you get any dives to print?

If so, try going into the print jobs and cancel them all. Then print them one at a time, but wait longer between logs.

I know it sucks, but that's all I can think of.

Mine prints fine, both manual and downloaded dives.

Maybe we should add this to Doug's thread about 2.1.4 beta issues. It seems like you should be able to print them all at once.
No troubles with others apps. Trying to print Data and Graph.

I can print manually entered logs but not those downloaded from the PDC.

I just realized this sounds backwards.

If the dive was manually entered, you would not have any data for the graph.

I tried to print one and I get a message box saying "There will be no graph printing for Manual Entry Dive."
I just realized this sounds backwards.

If the dive was manually entered, you would not have any data for the graph.

I tried to print one and I get a message box saying "There will be no graph printing for Manual Entry Dive."

AHA! :)

I just replicated your problem!

If you try to print a manually entered dive, then click OK on the message box and the print dialog box, the print job goes to the print gueue but never prints.

Yup, this is a bug. It should either print the non-graph data or never try to print anything.

Since you found it, you get the honor of posting it to Doug's beta thread.

It looks like we found two bugs. When I try to print a manually entered dive it prints without issue (it does pop up with the message box, but the print job goes through OK). When I try to print a Downloaded dive it looks like it will print but stalls on spooling to the printer and becomes perpetually stuck in the windows print queue.

It looks like we found two bugs. When I try to print a manually entered dive it prints without issue (it does pop up with the message box, but the print job goes through OK). When I try to print a Downloaded dive it looks like it will print but stalls on spooling to the printer and becomes perpetually stuck in the windows print queue.

Mine is the reverse.

For me, a downloaded dive prints without an issue. But a manual dive gets me a warning box and a hung print queue.

But on a positive note, I didn't even know we could print reports, so investigating this got me to straighten out my dive info! :D

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