Prestaciones Submarinas Dive Op?

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in exile in the Pennsyltucky Archipellago
# of dives
500 - 999

Has anyone ever heard of them? I had them recommended to me and I'm trying to decide if I want to dive with them.

I am considering Dive With Martin for several reasons. A buddy of mine dove with them last year and was very happy with their services.

Also, I don't have unlimited money. I want to get the best bang for my buck on this trip. DWM gives you an incredible deal. If you dive 2 or more days with them they throw in a free night dive. If you pay cash they give you a large discount off of their (already low) rates. They run small, fast boats with a maximum of 6-8 divers.

Someone recommended me to Prestaciones Submarinas and they sent me back a very detailed email explaining their services. They seem very knowlegable and safety conscious. They take out groups of 3 - 5 divers for two tank dives of 50 - 60 minutes each. They do 5 minute safety stops and never do surface intervals shorter than 90 minutes. The only problem I see with the way they run their trips is that they depart at 9:00 AM and return at 2:00. THis limits the amount of diving we could do in a day with them.

I'm inclined to do most of our diving with DWM but devote a day to a trip with Prestaciones Submarinas, possibly followed by afternoon and night shore dives.

If you have any experience with Prestaciones Submarinas, (or Dive WIth Martin) please let me know how you like them.

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