Anthony A.
Wow... Anthony, you are really off the deep end.
I havent dived since April, so yes... im having a bad day

And causing earthquakes?? Where did you come up with that?
Im not being ignorant here, but the lack of scientific "studies and data" showing there is no "problem" with tapping into the earths core for oil and the belief that it isnt causing other major problems is something that I dont need some "study" to prove or disprove its not an issue. Man is the most destructive organism on the planet. There are "studies" (which I agree with

I understand that you feel like driving a Prius will add very little to the environment, but if every oil burning car in the world was removed.... could you honestly say that the environment will remain the same? Even only talking about carbon dioxide... forget about all the other isdues gas cars do to the environment.
My point of view here, as stated above, not to offend but share my view on the world and how we as humans are slowly destroying it without taking accountability. If every person in the world did just a little bit, the earth would be much healthier. I recycle, even though I know it ends up in the same place and makes sorting easier for the companies, but because morally I feel that every little bit of effort helps.
We are all here because we love the oceans and seeing the marvelous life found beneath it.... the same is true above water. Its OUR responsibility to do every single little thing we posdibly can to limit the destruction we bring to this planet. We have so many threads here on proper weighting and bouyancy and being mindful not to hit the coral reefs.... we shoukd be applying the same attention to above surface issues such as climate change. Whether that be global warming or cooling.
I too want to see the planet taken care of honestly and productively, unfortunately I dont believe Mr. T falls in that category.