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To kinda sorta go along with Jamdivers thread. What is the most strange, odd, horrible, nicest, etc., etc., holiday gift you have ever received? Also, are you a culprit of re-gifting, lol?! All in fun.:D:present: :present:
Boxers from my Mother-N-Law that were 2 sizes too big :) :wink:
One Christmas, my wife gave me this crazy Elvis wall clock for my home office where his legs swing back and forth. On seeing this, my mom then thought I was a big Elvis fan and for the next Christmas, she gave me all kinds of Elvis paraphernalia that she bought in Memphis, including:
- an Elvis calendar
- an Elvis fridge magnet
- two Elvis hand-held fans (you know, to wave in your face to cool down on hot days)
- and several other Elvis items that I forget now

Anyways, I promptly re-gifted them the following Christmas (within our family/sibling/spouse present swap) and gave them to my brother-in-law (we pick names). Now they're passed on each year as the joke gift and maybe some day I'll get them back!

Happy Holidays.
strangest gift:
when i was a vegan back in 97-98 i got a spear gun from my boss. last year i got a snorkle and i dont use a snorkle.

nicest gift:
money - good old mum

zeagle bcd. hubby version of sexy lingerie. there i was and he saying "put it on honey, wow, you look so nice in it, go on-turn around, you look fantastic in that". totally romantic of him.

im guilty of giving weird gifts.
my mum is impossible to buy for so i usually give charitable gifts so in the past i have bought a cow for a family in botswana in her name, ive had planted a few dozen trees in her name and paid for a girl's eductation in afganistan. last year i had a toilet built in PNG via Wold Vision in her name and i had a photo of it framed for her with the locals standing around it.
Best gift ever: My Homer bottle opener that says "Mmmmm....Beer".
Christmas moring a few years ago. My husband and kids gather around me and they are so excited to give me my gift (as they had just forgotten my birthday again which was a few weeks prior on Halloween). So anyway, they thought they were going to make it up to me. they had everyone come in the living room to watch me open was the same darn thing they had got me the year before! Doh. They didn't even know it - until it was pointed out to them - and not by me.:D
I happily accept any gift given to me :D!!
My elderly mom isn't always able to get out & shop so she has a tendency to give me or my sisters some little nick nack or something she has already. A few years ago I gave her a VHS tape & 2 cds of some religious music I knew she liked. A year later for Christmas she gave me the exact tape & cd's I had given her the year before. Not only had she regifted (with somehting that wasn't necessarily my taste) but she regifted with the same gifts I had given her. Knowing senility is setting in I never said anything to her about it...just smiled & said "Thanks, Mom".
I think the strangest gift came from my grandmother. First, let me say that for her age, she's as sharp as a tack. This is important to remember, since she's 87 it would be too easy to dismiss.

A couple of years ago for my birthday, she was really excited about the gift she had gotten for me. She couldn't wait for me to open it. So I got really excited thinking it must be something *really* special, since I had never seen her this excited about a gift before. I open it up and it's a HUGE box of those little Sun Maid Raisins boxes (like 100 of them). I'm confused for a moment thinking "there's something I'm just not getting here". She says "I know how much you LOVE raisins". Truth be told, I'm not a raisin fan and have no idea where she got the idea. But since she was so excited, I hugged her and acted like it was the best gift anyone had ever given me. :D
Very nice gift indeed :D

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