Preseason Routine

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New Orleans, LA
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0 - 24
Ok Guys need your thoughts. Just about to begin my second season of diving and am curious as to what you guys do to refresh yourselves after a few months off? Last season I was certifed, took Nitrox and AOW and made 12 dives. What do you guys suggest i do to knock the rust off after a few months off?

Your thoughts will be greatly appreciated
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If you have any gear make sure it is in good shape, check computer battery, have dive shop do work on stuff if you think needed.

Go for a swim at the pool just to get wet

Review your gear setup either from your own or from your instructional books/video and youtube may have some.

Decide on an educational goal for diving. What training to take.

You did 12 dives last year and quite a few of those under instruction, may want to look at independent diving as well, maybe look at doing a drop in dive as a participant.
We're in the same boat (so to speak...). We were certified in May, and have 35 dives. Our last dives were in November, when we visited Curacao.
If you're feeling really rusty, take a refresher course. Personally, our LDS lets us use their pool. So 4-5 weeks before our trip, we'll grab some air and spend some time under water. Our gear will be in for annual servicing anyway, and it's always a good idea to test it in confined water after service.
It would also be a good idea to let the dive op know your experience level and that it's been a while since your last dive. That way your first dive(s) can be planned to accomodate your rust.
No need for a refresher here. I dive for a couple days each month all year round so long as the Soc Sec checks keep coming. Those of you with jobs please keep working and paying your SS taxes so that this old geezer can keep on diving. Thank you very much.
Just go diving!

Stay shallow you first couple dives and work on your trim, bouyancy and finning techniques. Do a good weight check at the end of your first dive with an almost empty tank.

then you should be set for the new dive year to come!
Whatever you feel you need to be safe and competent in the water from splash: do it. If that's a refresher course and getting all of your gear (including your fins) serviced: Groovy. If you just want to hop right in and drop to 100 feet: Fine by me. But I would suggest an easy dive at first, either in a pool to just work out the kinks (and have some fun) or a shallow site with good conditions.

"A few months off...?" What does that MEAN?

Just kidding. Sure, in a lot of locales some folks don't get in the water for a while over the cold months. Same thing happens to me, so I just have to travel a bit farther to get underwater.

While I try to dive year round, I set the early spring for "updating". It goes something like this...
1) make sure all tanks are hydroed and inspected.
2) get regs maintained and serviced
3) Renew my DAN membership/insurance
4) Inspect fin straps, mask straps, wetsuit, gloves, etc...(although this is done on practically every dive outing)
5) Check batteries in computers, cameras, lights (again, though this is an ongoing process)
6) Step up the exercise regimen (I have a tendency to get into a rut during winter. Spring allows me to vary the routines with more outdoor activities. Many of which are good for diving.)
7) Renew acquaintances with folks I haven't dived with for a while. Always helps to have lots of diving friends to buddy up with!
8) Drool over magazines, catalogues, online travel agencies, and decide where some of the major trips are going to be for the coming year.
9) And this is the important one...PACK UP THE STUFF AND GO DIVING! Spring is a good time to brush up, sure, but that's something we should do on just about every dive trip we make. Practice that air sharing drill, work on buoyancy and trim, get good with that camera, etc... HAVE FUN with it!

That about covers it. It's not scientific, but it works for me!
Not mentioned above.

Increase your water intake early on, people have a tendency to hydrate less in cold weather. Drinking plenty of liquids the day before the dive is better than nothing but having a fully hydrated body well in advance should be the ultimate goal.

On a similar note if your routine is mainly sedentary you may want to consider some exercises. You don't have to become an Olympic athlete, just move more today than you did yesterday. If you don't have access to a gym move your tanks around. If no tanks, then get a few heavy objects in the house and move them around. Park your car farther than typically.
It makes such a difference, you won't regret it.
...not mentioned above either:

Refresh youself on operating/understanding your dive computer, you'd be amazed at how many divers, just before 'splash time' pull their regs out of their dive bags and ask "now, how does thing work again?"

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