I normally use progressive focus glasses or a combination of reading or desk glasses (bureau glasses) and contacts. So I am no longer capable of correcting my vision without worrying about the close up aspect. I have been trying for year to get the right combination. I like doing macro photography and have come up with the following solution. I should say at the outset that it is a compromise between real convenience for the close up work and clear distance vision. The reason I came up with this is that on a number of occassions I have walked out of the house with my so called bureau glasses on my nose. These glasses give me perfect vision for the distance a computer is at (about 75 cm (30 inches), but I have noticed that only after driving for a while I notice that the number plates of cars are not totally clear in the distance. In other words, at some distance my vision is not perfect. Underwater this is not such an issue except for when the water is clear as glass and I want to see in the distance. However when it comes to seeing what I am focused on with a system camera, using the lcd on the back of the camera (Olympus EPL-1 in this case) I see everything in fine detail (the result of depth of field and a good focus also at 40 cm for example. So instead of reading aspects in my mask, or inserts I now dive with day lenses that give me 'bureau-vision' and I am loving it.