:shocked2: What, and take away the chance of people to say, "You're gonna die?!?!?!?!" 
Eric, what you see here is pretty normal. People do not like to face the fact of their own mortality, and making sure your affairs are in order forces them to do so.
If you (the reader) hate the thought of people suing the bajeezus out of dive ops, dive guides, etc., then you (the reader) need to have "that" discussion with your family. You have to inform them that this is your choice, that you make it of free will, and except in cases of gross negligence (like the boat / op had bad fills), don't be suing anyone because the businesses accepted your free-choice decision.
If you're diving solo, do you put a dive plan on the dash with emergency contact number and need to know medical information? What's it take to print out your dive plan and leave it on the dash? With a handwritten, "Time entered water, xx:xx"? How about allergies? One thing you don't want is to have someone taking the time to call, hopefully find someone that knows, to learn about your allergies. They may need to give that shot NOW to save your life. What's it take to write up that info and leave it "just in case"?

Eric, what you see here is pretty normal. People do not like to face the fact of their own mortality, and making sure your affairs are in order forces them to do so.
If you (the reader) hate the thought of people suing the bajeezus out of dive ops, dive guides, etc., then you (the reader) need to have "that" discussion with your family. You have to inform them that this is your choice, that you make it of free will, and except in cases of gross negligence (like the boat / op had bad fills), don't be suing anyone because the businesses accepted your free-choice decision.
If you're diving solo, do you put a dive plan on the dash with emergency contact number and need to know medical information? What's it take to print out your dive plan and leave it on the dash? With a handwritten, "Time entered water, xx:xx"? How about allergies? One thing you don't want is to have someone taking the time to call, hopefully find someone that knows, to learn about your allergies. They may need to give that shot NOW to save your life. What's it take to write up that info and leave it "just in case"?