Predive accident

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Bay Area, CA, USA
I would like to share an accident from my last dive trip.
It wasn't really a dive accident since it happened before the dive even began.
My buddy and I were traveling on a dive boat to the dive site.
The ocean was rough and waves kept everyone holding on to stay in place.
Then there was one wave hitting a side of the boat where my buddy and I were sitting.
It took us completely off guard and sent us flying to the other side of the boat along with a couple of other divers. Unlike everybody else I was unfortunate enough to fly headfirst.
The next moment I remember my head is hitting some metal corner of the boat.
As a result of the hit I cut my left ear and some skin just below the ear.
That was the end of my dives that day; instead I was taken to the emergency room where doctor put six stitches on my head.
Not a dive accident but boat can be a dangerous place in rough see; enough to spoil all your diving plans. I even consider wearing a head helmet next time I go boat diving.
Saw you as I was parking at Lobos. My first thought was that you were hardcore for diving with your head wrapped like a mummy! :11:

Then I saw the boat and realized what happened. Glad the docs fixed you up!
Ouch. Glad it wasn't more severe. Good luck next time.
That's funny,.. well not really,.. but I was out kayaking at Lovers Point and watching a dive boat was coming south. All of a sudden the boat took a pretty good hit from the right and kinda leapt out out the water for a second. I don't know if it was you guys, but I remember thinking that whoever was on that boat was up for a wild ride!

Sorry it ruined your dive plans for the day. Hope the boat crew gave you a pass for your next trip for free.
Wow it's a small diving world! I didn't say where and when it happened.
You guys are right. That was sure me at Point Lobos.
I'm taking a next boat trip in August. And I will wear a helmet, I don't care if people will laugh at me on a boat - I'm not taking any chances.
Why not buy some 2" webbing and a plastic buckle for about $10, and make yourself a safety belt? It's just like making a weightbelt without the weights. Cheap, and easy. And you don't have to wear a helmet on your head! You might well fly across the boat again, and break your arm next time.
Rule of thumb. If its not safe on the BOAT. Its not safe in the water.

Glad you are ok!
Ouch! Hold on tight!
Why not buy some 2" webbing and a plastic buckle for about $10, and make yourself a safety belt? It's just like making a weightbelt without the weights. Cheap, and easy. And you don't have to wear a helmet on your head!
I hope you aren't in a position of influence. :shakehead

The ride out can be better than any amusement park ride if you're lucky. Pay attention and be safe.

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