Potential Hurricane headed to Cozumel/Cancun/PDC/Tulum tomorrow thru Sat:

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"Claudette is moving toward the northwest near 14 mph...23 km/hr..."

It's traveling a tad slower than earlier and has turned slightly from WNW to NW. It's still not looking good for our friends who have weekend plans in Coz.

I hope it gets out of there for you quickly. If not - Plan B?
Need it to keep tracking NW and miss Cozumel completely! Though as it looks now, the center gets ever closer to crossing right over. :(

Walter once bubbled...
"Claudette is moving toward the northwest near 14 mph...23 km/hr..."

It's traveling a tad slower than earlier and has turned slightly from WNW to NW. It's still not looking good for our friends who have weekend plans in Coz.

I hope it gets out of there for you quickly. If not - Plan B?

Continental thinks they can get us out on Saturday, only one day delay... we spoke to the dive shop and they said definitely no diving on Saturday. Soooo I guess we just go down there and pray for calmer seas to dive on Sunday and Monday. If things change and Claudette just sits over Cozumel - I will try to switch to Plan B and come diving with you and Scuba Jenny in Florida!! However, no refunds on any of the Coz trip and I stupidly didn't buy trip insurance this time ;-0

My flight been delayed 12 hours as of last night also. My group is looking into rescheduling for late August. I didn't get trip insurance either. I should have went with my gut and got it but, decided to gamble......won't make that mistake again!! :)
I was in Cozumel over the 4th. We got pretty lucky. We got there just after Bill and left before Claudet. The visibility was down a bit (60-80 feet rather that 100) and the currents were pretty strong. Particularly near the south end at Mericaibo and Punta Sur. We still had some nice dives. Things should be calming down after today.


Really has just been cloudy & rainy (as it is right now), and even at that sun has poked through sporadically. Water a bit churned up and harbor closed this AM, with possibility of opening to the larger boats later today. Should be fully open by tomorrow. Of course, viz will be reduced some.

Stay tuned.

I'm actually down in Cozumel and things are clearing today. The sun is actually out and its not raining. The storm was very weak this some rain and light wind last night. All the shops were boarding up yesterday but that didn't turn out to be necessary. No boats were allowed out yesterday PM and I haven't seen any out today except the big ferry is running to Playa Del Carmen. I think diving should be back on tommorrow AM.

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