Possible shots across the bow

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Gary D.

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Post Falls, Idaho
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I'm a Fish!
We rehired a deputy that left several years ago to run his own business. Not being able to get the department and the dive team out of his head he sold the business and returned a few months ago.

We have an opening on the team but we have too many FNG’s to take on another one to train. So the returning deputy gets off probation just as summer arrives and if it isn’t filled he should plug right in and be ready for calls.

I don’t know if this is a good thing or not. :D A week ago he stops a female that was driving like a first class idiot. Turns out she was trying to drive into a lake and commit suicide as she was upset about a reckless driving ticket she got sometime earlier.

Had she turned left she would have hit the lake. But in her irrational state of mind she turned right and directly into the path of our deputy.

Then last night he rolls out of briefing for a roll over unknown injury accident along one of our lake roads. He gets there and ends up arresting the drunkin idiot who was somewhat trapped in his inverted vehicle.

Had he rolled the other direction, instead or going up the bank he would have gone over the bank and into the lake.

Are these warning shots before the big one again? Hope not.:shakehead

Gary D.
Gary D.:
Are these warning shots before the big one again? Hope not.:shakehead Gary D.

Pretty safe bet that either Murphy or Darwin is going to bite soon!!!!!
Boater Dan:
Pretty safe bet that either Murphy or Darwin is going to bite soon!!!!!
I think those two get together and do some conspiring. :D

Gary D.
It seems like things have been quiet up your way for a while...
Tis the season for the mentally unstable and the drunken idiots to strike!! We've been dealing a lot with both here. So far they've stayed away from water. Guns seem to the the choice this holiday season....
In my career I have expienced some of the craziest things....It seemed for a long time I was doubed the Sh#@t magnet by my fellow officers. The cool thing is that with each hair raising experience I gained knowledge that I could not have gotten in any school. If anything this magnet of yours might turn out to be a valuble asset...
WE curently have a rookie who three nights ago stopped a vehicle for a minor traffic violation. Turned out that this guy drove 300 mile to the beach to kill himself. He told us that if we did not place him in jail he would drive down the road and find the first Semi truck and turn in its path. He also stated that he is a accident reconstruction inv. and as he was driving to the beach he was driving in the blind spots of several semi trucks hoping that they pull over onto him to make his suicide look like an accident...
I feel that this was a case of devine intervention just like your guy.....

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