Originally posted by Walter
You've all made an incorrect assumption, one so basic to what we've been taught and what we teach that it's easy to see how you could blindly follow it. We do not increase pressure by 1 ATM every 33 ft in sea water and every 34 ft in fresh water. It is close to that, but it's not exact. When dealing with normal ranges, it's close enough. It's actually 33.075 ft in salt and 33.92 ft in fresh water. When dealing with extreme ranges the tiny error gets larger. The other factor is salinity varies from place to place and even day to day. Rick already mentioned temperature. Ignoring the differences in salinity and temperature and taking an average weight of a cu ft of water gives us 62.4 lbs/cu ft of fresh & 64 lbs/cu ft of salt. Pressure will increase by .4444 for every foot we descend in salt water and by .4333 in fresh. We'll reach 300 PSI at 6750 ft in salt & 6923 in fresh water. That comes to 2057.4 meters in salt and 2110.15 meters in fresh water. HTH.