You see them everywhere. Worn on shirts, displayed proudly beneath the red, white, and blue on flagpoles in yards, as tattoos, and even on cars. But I wonder how many people who proudly display dive flags on their automobiles actually dive on a regular basis. This ponderance started when talking to a fellow that had a dive sticker on his car. I asked him how long had he been diving and the other typical questions you would ask of another junkie and was astonished to find out that he was strictlly a "vacation" diver. Warm water, colorful reefs and fish, 2-3 times a year. It struck me then just how often these folks that proudly display dive flags only consider it a part time passion as opposed to those of us (myself included) that consider it a full time obsession. Are they simply missing the boat, or are there actually people out there that consider diving a :11: hobby? Are these the people who simply look at diving as if it were a way to fit in? Are these the people who buy HUBs :06: