@doctormike : I do not think that climbing Mount Everest by laypeople is anything different than trying to reach a record depth.
Agree to disagree. Leaving aside how you would determine who is a "layperson" and who is not (I guess if they get paid for diving or climbing?), the difference is that Mount Everest is a specific physical place, and a very special place on the planet. You either want to go there or you don't. You either think that it's worth climbing or it isn't. That's a matter of opinion, and clearly people disagree about it, but plenty of people throw a lot of money in an effort to summit it.
Whereas 333 meters is an arbitrary depth. If that record is reached, then 334 meters will be the sought after depth, and so on and so on. The ONLY thing special about reaching 333 meters on OC scuba is that no one has done it before. Once someone does it, what little point there was in getting there will be gone. For example, suppose this diver had done all of this prep and training to go to 331 meters, short of Gabr's 333.35 depth. Do you suppose that there would have been a big push to get this diver to a depth that was a two meters short of the record? Would there have been promotion and publicity for a non-record dive? Of course not, the reason why he tried it was to break the record. That is the whole point. And once that record is broken, it just resets the bar for the next diver.
Those folks climbing there see the tips of their toes for most part and as soon as they are on the top the start to rush down. They do not have time to enjoy the view from the top , just like deep dive record attempts do not sit down on the bottom looking at fishes...just my 5 cents.
Well, while I also don't see the point in climbing Everest, I wouldn't imply that anyone who does it doesn't get anything out of it.
I am in no way gloryfying or condemnign anything, I am simply pointing out that Sebastian's attempt was not ill-concieved or a gung-ho attempt. There were previous attempts in Garda, with fatalities, from polish divers where the whole enterprise consisted of 3-4 days rush in and out. This one here seemed to be planned to last few weeks with preparatory dives done in no rush whatsoever.
I agree, he wasn't Doc Deep. But that doesn't change anything that I have said upthread.
Nothing different than Ahmed Gabr's attempt, the difference being an outcome that could as well be so diferent if it wasn't for some minute details that derailed everything.
I totally agree with you. Both Sebastian Marczewski and Ahmed Gabr attempted something that I wish people wouldn't do. The fact that one survived and one didn't doesn't change that. As you mentioned, in this one lake several others have died chasing that record. Don't you feel that the glorification of these record attempts has some responsibility for these deaths?