Point Lobos 10-5 first time advice please.

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Reaction score
Northern California
# of dives
100 - 199
Hello, Me and my diving buddy will be going to Point Lobos for the first time Sunday and would appreciate and advice or suggestions on diving locations to try for our first trip there? We will not have a scooter or kayak, will just be kicking out. Thanks for any help or advice.

Kick out middle channel to were the big wash rocks are are on your left. Drop down and head left towards the rocks to cut between them or head right over to hike in the wall. There are some great lobo site maps but I don't have the links handy.

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Here's a link to a bathymetry map of lobos (the blue area is the park): Point Lobos Underwater Maps

Also, there is an excellent 3D model of the area at the dive site, which is worth taking some time to study once you are there.
First time at Point Lobos. First of all, have a great time!

Get to the Whalers Cove parking lot and take the stairs up to the bluff and look over the cove and the sand channel to get a picture in your mind.

All entries and exits are done at the boat ramp.

1st dive: Gear up and enter at the ramp. Surface swim out to about the middle of the sand channel. Descend there and you will be arounf 30 fsw. Swim out the sand channel on the left side of the channel. Follow that for a while. The terrain on youor left will go from smaller boulders up to where it will turn into a bit of a wall. Keep going and it will make about a 30 degree turn to the left, then another 30 degree turn to the left shortly after. Keep looking to the left and you will see "Hole in the Wall". You will be in about 60 fsw. Go past HITW and make a left around the wall. You can go back and see the other side... Now make about a 140 heading and work your way back in toward the cove and the sand channel. The kelp is not thick now but if it was, you would really want to get all the way back to the channel at least.

2nd dive. Enter at the boat ramp and again surface swim out to about half way through the channel. Take a 30 degree heading and descend. Follow that 30 degree heading until you either make it over to the other side of middle reef or your turn pressure, whichever comes first. Then take the reciprocol path back to the sand channel. Max depth 45 - 50 fsw.

That should provide you with two fine dive plans for your first two dives at Lobos.

Before your dives, go take a look at the relief map they have in front of the restrooms and visualize your dive plans.

Once again, have a great time!
I always have an issue find the actual link to this picture, but I have it printed and laminated and have it with my dive gear.

That advice he gave you go hike up to the top of the hill and look down is the most important of all! You will see that there is a path through that kelp, and your job once you start swimming out is to find it. I like to follow that path at least until I can line up Doggie with the leftmost lookout on the loop at the top of the hill. "Doggie" is what we call the tall rock which is the tallest one of those rocks just to the north the promontory. Once you're in the water you will see what I'm describing. If you descend where Doggie lines up with the left (east) end of the bluff, you're in about 40' of water. Go northwest along the edge of the sand channel and you'll soon bump into Cannery Point Wall, which as described above will very shortly bend around to your left and lead you to Hole in the Wall.

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