Plugged Ears

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Pacific Northwest
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0 - 24
I am looking for advice on what to do for plugged ears. During my OW certification, I descended to quickly to allow for my ears to clear until I was at about 20". I was able to clear them, but I really had to blow hard on them. Since then (about a week ago) I have had plugged ears and they will not release the pressure from the inside.

I went to the Doctor and it appears that there is no damage to the ear drum, but there is quite a bit of pressure built up behind the ear drum (pushing outward). I have small eustacian tubes, so the internal pressure will not release. I have been doing quite a bit of sinus remedies, but nothing yet.

Any encouraging advice or other possible remedies?

Probably best to use decongestant, antihistamine, aspirin or iduprophen for pain, and wait. It's a pity Instructors seldom train well on equalizing early, often, and gently. My home bud has hell the first few days of every trip so takes an decongestant and an antihistamine, practices for a week prior, and we still stop together at 20 ft until he clears gently. The 45 minute video on this page can help a lot: Doc's Diving Medicine Home Page

Ears are the most common challenge for divers, for baratrauama and swimmers ear infections. Either can ruin a trip. Prevention of the latter with an alcohol & white vinegar mix or a store product is also a good idea.
Thank you Dandy. I attempted to clear often, and gently, but trying to do to many things at once on my first attempts, led to my failure at getting them cleared properly. I also think I was weighted down to heavy which led to me sinking very quickly once I released air from the BCD. Anyway, it all happened and now I just have to live with the pressure until it wants to go away.

Thank you for the helpful hints. I will try them along with my own home remedies such as hanging my head over boiling water with a towel draped over my head and a face fully smeared with Vapor Rub. :D
Ugg, get a Netti Pot. Boiling water is dangerous.
Once you HAVE barotrauma, time is the only reliable remedy. Things to reduce inflammation, like antiinflammatories (eg. Advil), and things to increase fluid drainage, like decongestants (eg. Sudafed) are often recommended, but I know of no study that shows that they actually shorten the course or reduce the incidence of subsequent infection. Mechanical aids, like chewing gum, are also recommended, and do have the virtue of being harmless.

Prevention is really the key to this. You've already been recommended Dr. Kay's video. There are a number of sites on-line (and unfortunately, I don't have all my bookmarks right now, so I can't point you at my favorite) that discuss various equalization techniques.

Ear problems are the most common injury for new divers. It's easy to get distracted and forget to equalize, and new divers often don't control descents well. Don't dive again until your ears are behaving normally, but next time, you'll be better prepared to take care of them.

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