fishhunta:I don't intend to stir the pot, but trying to stop the shark fin trade is BS. I am a commercial shark fisherman here in Florida. I ETHICALLY havrvest sharks. Here in the US, they are not overharvested! We do not fin and release! Every ounce except for the guts are used. The fins go to Asia, the meat gets consumed, and the jaws are used in taxedermy. I don't like how they shark fin over there, it is terribly immoral, but to try to stop trade of an item where some of us are doing it ethically, is stupid.
You need to focus your efforts towards getting Asian Govt's to impose anti-finning rules like we have here.
To be fair, the emphasis in this petition is predominantly on finning. That said, the problem (of finning) is no longer limited to Asia. Have a look at recent trip reports from Cocos Island and Galapagos regarding illegal commercial shark finning in these areas.
Perhaps not in your backyard right now, this could be jeopardising your livelihood in the not-too-distant future.