Please rate my gear Setup

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I have a Beuchat X-Air BCD
Beuchat VX10 Iceberg
Beuchat Octopus
Suunto CB4 Guage with compass
Bare Arctic Wetsuit and weightbelt
Does it all work for you?
Does it all work for you well?
Does it all work for you very well?
How about YOU rate your gear and we'll watch, since you are the only one that can answer these questions.
Oh, yeah, welcome to the board, DiverOfLove. Put a post in the Introductions and Greets forum, fill out your profile, and read around the board a little.
ya it works, I want to know if this is quality gear or is is something of junk or sorts

Considering you already bought the gear, it's a bit late for that question.:wink:

Just like DWT stated, if you like it, then it must be good. Seriously, if you dive enough you'll see a full spectrum of gear out there. Divers with sun faded 1970 & 80's BCDs, brown ones, yellow ones, green ones. Regulators that come in all sorts of sizes and configurations. If you maintain your gear and it doesn't give you any problems, you may find yourself happy for the life of the equipment. Some divers like to purchase the latest and greatest and expensive equipment. It's about choice, not $$.

Remember "good gear" doesn't make a good diver.

Keep having fun.

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