Please help with a research project - G11

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Bangor, ME
Hello, I am a diver who is doing a research project comparing 3 dive cameras. I am looking for someone who would be willing to let me know what their opinions are for the following point & shoot cameras:

the Canon G11 with the underwater housing WP-DC34

I would like to know how the macro and video features work under water. Also, do you have an extended flash, and if so, how do you like that? What is the cycle time for when using the flash? How long do the batteries last? Also, have you used the camera for land photos? And anything else you can let me know about your experiences using these cameras. Do you feel like you are getting your moneys worth?

If you want to send me a private message, that would work, or just please respond to this thread.

Thank-you , in advance, for your help in this. I appreciate it.

Two videos taken with the G11. Video mode also has a underwater mode.
YouTube - Big Cuttlefish
YouTube - Hungry Cuttlefish at Shelly Beach

Some macro shots taken there too. I'm just using the internal camera flash.
Picasa Web Albums - Chris - Canon G11 fir...

Some land photos
Picasa Web Albums - Chris - G11 converted...
Picasa Web Albums - Chris - 2009-10-23

Really happy with it so far!! :) The shutter button on the underwater housing is a little stiff because of the hard spring but I guess I will get used to it. After 1 hour of diving the battery still shows as full when I connect it to the computer to download the pics so it looks like battery life will be good.

It seems to cycle within a second or two for the flash so this hasnt been a issue. It does focus pretty quick while underwater too.

Let me know if you want anymore info.
Hi fredaroony,

Thank-you for replying to my questions, I am sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I appreciate your help.

I do have a few more questions.

While you are videotaping, are you able to use the zoom? You said that the camera focuses well under water, is that also true when you are shooting Macro underwater? I have found that some of my cameras do not focus for Macro underwater very well.

Also, have you used the zoom in general while diving? How is the quality of those photos? I know a lot depends on the visibility, but I am just curious about the zoom because sometimes you just need to use it, even though I try to get as close as I can when taking photos.

Have you tried using an extended flash at all?

I believe the case is rated for 130 feet, have you tried taking it any deeper? Is it a pretty easy case to use? Do you need to get any of the weights that I see advertised for it?

It sounds like you are satisfied with the G11. Is this your first Canon camera, or have you had others? If you have had other dive cameras, what brands were they and how does this one compare?

Thank-you again for your help, I really appreciate it.

Yes zoom works in video. I had read that it doesnt so was surprised when I found it did! The underwater filter in video work VERY well.

Macro worked fine for me.

The zoom worked ok for pics but the viz(lot of silt in the water) hasnt been great so the shots havent been great.

Havent tried the extended flash but would like to buy one in the future.

Deepest I've gone with it is 8 metres.

I got the G11 over the S90 because I wanted knobs instead of menus to go through and the case works fairly well because of this. The buttons are quite close together but I think all the cases are like that and you just have to get used to it. My only complaint is that I feel the shutter button spring on the case is too hard so you lose some feel. Again, something to get used to. Also you cant turn the ring with the case.

Its worth getting some weights as its very buoyant. You dont need it but I'm glad I got them.

First Canon camera. I have a Fuji Z100fd which doesnt even come close. I also tested a Fuji F200EXR which was much better but the G11 is still a better camera by far which is expected because of the price difference. Also videos on both Fuji's came out very green because they dont have any filter settings for video

I'd love to get a SLR but cant justify the price for the housing. I'm taking the G11 with me when I do the Great Barrier Reef at Christmas so hopefully I get some good shots.

You asked about zoom underwater. I took this pic today at 100% zoom

To all who helped me out, I just wanted to thank you. I am sorry this took me so long - school has been keeping me busy. But thanks to your help, I received an A for my project and for the class.

I really appreciate it.


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