Please help - wife hates beach diving

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If anyone dives Friday, could you post conditions on the sticky?

My wife hates beach diving due to a past poor experience, so I'm trying to show her the best side of Venice. I've talked her into a trip there Saturday or Sunday, but tides don't look so great (nor the winds). She watched the travel channel special with FL West, and the youtube video of the Aristakat and she's agreed to try it.

I've got her convinced to do a beach dive with me and my daughter this Sunday, but I only want to bring her down if conditions are fair. Daughter is hardcore - she'll dive 0 vis and 6' breakers if that's the mission, but the wife is more cautious. If you all dive before Saturday, can you post the surf and vis conditions to the Venice Dive Reports sticky? Snot and algae are no big deal - I'm more concerned with sea state and overall vis - calm seas and 10' vis would be a go. I'd really appreciate it and you'd have a hand in expanding someone's horizons...

I wanted to come down and make a weekend of it for Fossilbabe's sendoff for jridg, but schedule won't allow.

Thanks in advance.
PM me your number. I am leaving Friday morning from Ocala to dive three consecutive days. I'm bringing a boat but I can check the beach out for you and let you know what you are facing.

I was there this morning. Viz was decent at around 10 ft. Not alot of snot or drift algae. Bad news, winds were out of the North West. From talking to Bob & his buddy, they feel winds are going to increase over the weekend. I can understand your wife not liking beach dives. trying to make that step up out of the water on exit isn't easy on a calm day. Add breakers to the mix..........ugh. That's why I use a kayak. Gear is put on & taken off in the water. Granted, trying to land the kayak on a bumpy day can be challenging but I'd rather do it that way then try to walk out. The last beach dive I did without the yak was on a bumpy day & I ended up doing a face plant. I'll stick with my yak.:)
Oops! Forgot to mention. Bob (aka Capt. Morgan) says "your welcome."
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I use this site for beach conditions:

Venice, Florida Surf Forecast and Surf Report

It gives you swell height, wind speed and water temp - I have found that it's pretty accurate. If it's going to be ankle or less, there shouldn't be any problems.
Thanks all. Gotta love the members of this board.

Kevin, let me know what vis looks like if you get a chance.

jridg, excellent link - don't know why I've never come across it before - thanks and have a safe trip home to the family.

dkramer thanks for remembering to thank Mr. Morgan.

Bo, appreciate it. no need to run up to the beach, I may give you a call to see how it is where you're diving.
Thanks all. Gotta love the members of this board.

Kevin, let me know what vis looks like if you get a chance.

jridg, excellent link - don't know why I've never come across it before - thanks and have a safe trip home to the family.

dkramer thanks for remembering to thank Mr. Morgan.

Bo, appreciate it. no need to run up to the beach, I may give you a call to see how it is where you're diving.
Yes I have to say they are a great bunch!!! I have learned so much from them and hopefully I can return the favor some day.
Sorry Late Post,
Just got home from Jim's going away party at Fossilbabe's.
Flat seas in the AM building to 2 ft. by late afternoon. Wind was out of the NorthWest about 10 knots. Viz. was a fair 10-12 ft. in the Am dropping to about 6 ft. late afternoon, only slightly snotty, temp was 84.
Here's a couple pix from S. Brohard. Hopefully the Goliath will still be hanging around the blocks for you today. He was not shy at all. Beach shot is from Venice pier around 3PM.


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