Please Help! Should he fly?

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Chicago, IL, USA
Hello, new to the scuba board. I have a problem and I would like for some of your input. I figure this would be the place to find people who could help with information.

My fiancee is in Malaysia, just got done diving in Sipidan. (He said it was beautiful, by the way) On his last dive he went down to 57m and now he thinks he may a mild form of decopression sickness. He said he ascended and descended slowly and took a safety stops. Not once did his dive computer give him any warnings that he was going too fast. His symptoms are mild - he said there is just a very slight numbness in his left arm. Nothing else. His last dive was about 2 days ago, and he has received oxygen for the last six hours. There is no decompression chamber on the island. He is scheduled to fly out of the island to go to a location with a chamber tomorrow evening. By the time he will leave, it will be 51 hours since his last dive. Can anyone tell me if they think it is safe for him to fly? Should he wait longer, or has enough time passed for him to make it there? Please help. I have no one else to turn to, and I am worried sick. I need to know if he should be flying or not. Thank you in advance - I would appreciate any information that is sent my way. Thanks again.

Call Divers Alert Network immediately they will help you!

Reach DAN by Phone:

* Diving Emergencies (Remember: Call local EMS first, then DAN!)
1-919-684-4DAN (collect)
1-800-446-2671 (toll-free)
+1-919-684-9111 (Latin America Hotline)

Hope he recovers fully.

57 m

good luck and safe travels.
This may be a stupid question, but I've never had to call them before. Is there a charge for calling and talking to them? I don't think I'm a member with them? Or is that just an automatic thing if I have my PADI certification? Do I have to be a member to call?

This may be a stupid question, but I've never had to call them before. Is there a charge for calling and talking to them? I don't think I'm a member with them? Or is that just an automatic thing if I have my PADI certification? Do I have to be a member to call?

Make the call.
Do not delay.
Information from them is free.
possibly locking the barn after the horse has run off, but in answer to the question w/o dive insurance you might as well get on the plane that will take you to a chamber. I don't think there is much of a chance getting a plane to run their cabin pressure up in Sipidan. My advice get on the plane go the chamber asap
This may be a stupid question, but I've never had to call them before. Is there a charge for calling and talking to them? I don't think I'm a member with them? Or is that just an automatic thing if I have my PADI certification? Do I have to be a member to call?

You can call them collect, or use the toll-free number. You do not have to be a member to call.
Michael Schlink:
possibly locking the barn after the horse has run off, but in answer to the question w/o dive insurance you might as well get on the plane that will take you to a chamber. I don't think there is much of a chance getting a plane to run their cabin pressure up in Sipidan. My advice get on the plane go the chamber asap
IMHO, this is not good advice. Calling DAN first to receive Dive Phyisician consultation is clearly preferable. More oxygen and time may alleviate the symptoms. Flying may aggravate the symptoms. But, that is my thinking...not one of a medical profressional. DAN will have the educated advice. Most of the rest of us are just giving personal opinions.

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