Playas del Coco - surface interval activities

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Reaction score
Chicago, IL
# of dives
500 - 999
Hi... one of my friends and I are set to embark to Playas del Coco (Guanacaste, Costa Rica) in a few weeks and we've set up our dive charters with Deep Blue Diving. While our diving logistics are set, we're still unsure about what activities nearby are recommended during our daily surface intervals. We won't be renting a car this time around, so the preferred suggestions would be locations we can get to either by foot, bus, and/or public transportation. And likely, the day before we leave Costa Rica, we'll spend the day at one of the forest reserves hiking and moseying around.

I would appreciate any suggestions people have! I've been reading through some travel books, but I haven't gotten a good (detailed) feel for other things to do. Thanks!
Our only non-diving activity was a zip line about 1.5 hours from Playa del Coco. The place also has a spa of sorts. Both were fun. But, of course, I cannot remember the name.
Our only non-diving activity was a zip line about 1.5 hours from Playa del Coco. The place also has a spa of sorts. Both were fun. But, of course, I cannot remember the name.

All right, thanks a lot for that info! Yes, the zip-lines and/or forest excursions were the only things we could think of. Guess we'll see how much time we have during our surface intervals and what we can do. :)

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